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Monday, April 25, 2016

Can More Money Fix America's Schools?

This winter, Jameria Miller would often run to her high school Spanish class, though not to get a good seat.

She wanted a good blanket.

"The cold is definitely a distraction," Jameria says of her classroom's uninsulated, metal walls.

Her teacher provided the blankets. First come, first served. Such is life in the William Penn School District in an inner-ring suburb of Philadelphia.

The hardest part for Jameria, though, isn't the cold. It's knowing that other schools aren't like this.



  1. Why didn't her parent(s) dress her with Warner clothes? Or give her a blanket to take with her?

    Blankets are easy to come by for free, plenty of them donated to various charities and shelters.

    The schools can't do it all. If "Mary's mother got arrested the night before" that is a parental fail, and the child is going to come to school in a state of chaos. If they show up at all. The school relies on parents doing their part, however minimal. Provide a safe place to sleep, get him out of bed in the morning, feed him, be sure he has his homework and schoolbooks and supplies with him, then put him on the school bus.

    If they make decisions that disrupt or neglect the essential preparation for the school day, throwing more and more money will never put the kids on a level playing field, ever. The parents should be held accountable for their lifestyle choices that diminish their own kids' chances in life. Or held accountable for insisting on bringing children into the world when they won't lead a lifestyle that provides a healthy environment for the children.

  2. Agree, 7:16. This article is 65 miles long. I wonder if the author ever came to our same conclusion!

  3. Those public schools get more money per student than a private school does and they still can't make it?

  4. The answer for them is to throw away more of the publics money into teaching those who cannot learn properly to start with.The school system is not your baby daddy,they should not have to feed,and clothe your kids.Early childhood intervention? Please! Head start is the biggest failure.My child never went to Head Start and gets way better grades than her classmates who did attend so there goes their theory.


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