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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Images Like This Are Why Mike Smigiel Lost Big Against Andy Harris

Andy received 76% of the votes in District 1 while Mike Smigiel only received 10% of the votes. 

Congressman Harris firmly supports everyone's Second Amendment Rights but would never tout an image of him carrying a gun I wouldn't even blame the Liberals pushing gun control over. 


  1. Careful Joe. The anti-civil rights liberals will use any excuse to strip citizens of rights.

    Personally I have no problem with a picture depicting a law abiding citizen displaying their enjoyment engaging in lawful gun sports.

  2. The problem is that anyone would have a problem with this picture.

  3. I have no problem with this picture and it shouldn't even be an issue. The problem is that he lost his seat on the Maryland House of Delegates. That is proof that people didn't want him 2 years ago so why would they want him now.

  4. Home is where the .50 cal is

  5. HE is just trying to be like Michelle Fiore and since he is not a women nor attractive it did not work for him...

  6. This photo is something to be proud of. I'd like to see them with even more firepower that is currently illegal. Self defense is never anything to fear.


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