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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Giving a City an Identity

Branding for Change

“We are Salisbury, Maryland, and our town was born from the headwaters of the Wicomico River.” This is how the new brand statement of Salisbury begins. It tells of the city’s origins. But, as familiar as its descriptive words sound, this declaration is a new addition to the city’s identity. And this identity, according to Salisbury Mayor Jake Day, is something the city has struggled and failed to define for many years.

City branding is not marketing. It is a recognition of a place’s identity, its mission, and vision. It is a promise of change. It visually references a place’s people and reflects them back to the outside world. A logo or font will not change a city, but can act as a motivator for growth and action—a symbol. The branding of a city incorporates its location, culture, diversity, and uniqueness and creates a statement about the city itself. It declares without hesitation who it is.



  1. Get RID Of the BURY Jake screw Ireton,

  2. I'd call it hot air, but at least hot air has uses. This is putting the imaginary cart in front of the jackass.

    But, what do you expact? Coming from a kid who went to Carnegie Mellon and Oxford, only to have to get a job from his daddy at Perdue....

  3. I just can not believe we paid a bunch of out of towners who do not live here and have no skin in the game to do this. Any local graphic artist could have done this and probably better as they live here and will have to see their work.

  4. can we add anymore obama looking communist symbols to our city image??? I think we can...

  5. How about anything but "bury"...

    That had to be the stupidest branding ever.

  6. Need to put up on the symbol a Heroin needle for this town!

  7. Looks like SRY instead of SBY. If the city paid for this they got hosed big time. It looks very amateurish.

  8. The image is an Obama knock-off and seems designed to hurt rather than help.

  9. What I find disturbing and insulting about this logo is that Jake Day and his cronies didn't utilize any of the graphic designers in Salisbury to get this done. He instead, outsourced it from the area! Nice right! He doesn't support locals so why should we support him. What a schmuck.

  10. End section 8 housing in the county and have a curfew for anyone under the age of 18.

  11. You know the saying hit all the locals up for donations of money and time and take all business over the bridge. SU, PRMC and Worwic are known for this. I refuse to donate any more time or money to those places and recommend others to do the same.

  12. how much does a graphics designer charge to come up with these logos? and, who pays?

  13. This is so GAY!! And Jake Day knew he was wasting tax dollars with this. And Manure Bota is playing along with it. He is so proud that he has Jakes new city seal as his profile picture like a stupid little boy that he is.

  14. Anonymous said...
    can we add anymore obama looking communist symbols to our city image??? I think we can...

    March 30, 2016 at 9:54 AM

    Speaking of that does anyone else think that Ted Cruz's logo is Obama looking?

  15. We are Salisbury, not SRY or SBY! I can't stand these libtards!

  16. 1:01 you paid the bill schmuck. We all paid the bill.

  17. Picture should show 2 needles and a homeless welfare junkie

  18. LOL-Gotta love "comfortable" as being one of the 4 facets of Salisbury's "identity." The ONLY type of business etc that uses "comfortable" as a descriptive are nursing homes and hospices.
    Oh Boy Salisbury residents did you get a live one with this mayor. What a stooge. The con "artists" can smell him a coming a mile away and are waiting. Keep an eye on the city checkbook like a hawk.

  19. I thought it was SRY until I started reading. The color is the same color of the dress we buried my mother in law in. It's a lovely shade of gray----for burying old ladies in.

  20. Looks like crap. Not proud of it. Not proud of how it was outsources. Day, Ireton, Demone, Cook you all suck. You have no clue what you are doing. You have no real world experience. You are wasting other peoples money and its clear we dont like it or you.

  21. Hey Jake how bout getting public opinion from the public who elected you before you pay for a bullshizz logo designed by a SC company that looks like a bullshizz proof any schmuck with a MacBook could create in about 15 mins? It should be obvious to anyone at least partially paying attention he doesn't give a crap about you, just his political ambitions

  22. Laura M said...
    Picture should show 2 needles and a homeless welfare junkie

    March 30, 2016 at 2:11 PM

    Laura are you talking about your son?

  23. I thought the SBY stood for sorry at first glance because it does look like SRY until I too read the post.

  24. Ireton slaps people here in the face by calling it the bury.

  25. Anything beats da bury!

  26. You know, the more that I look at this logo the more that I realize that the designers just didn't have all that much to go with for inspiration. It's just like the City itself, lacking inspiration.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

  27. Visually cluttered and boring at the same time.

  28. All of the complaining on this blog is very sad

  29. a reliable source has Day promising the artist his Mayoral portrait

  30. The color version of this logo makes it look like Salisbury is for gay people with the rainbow! Dumb logo and I agree with others here, it looks like SRY. Who designed this garbage?

  31. 618 will that mayoral portrait be a stick figure? And 247 YOUR tax money paid for this nonsense. You don't think that's something that should be complained about? Really? Who knew?

  32. 2:47 PM - Get over it. (Or don't.)

  33. "The branding of a city incorporates its location, culture, diversity, and uniqueness and creates a statement about the city itself. It declares without hesitation who it is."

    This is the textbook definition of city branding. The design depicted here misses the mark on all counts, declaring "without hesitation" that the city doesn't know who it is.


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