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Friday, April 01, 2016

Germany to Migrants: Integrate and Learn Language or Lose Permanent Residency

German interior minister Thomas de Maiziere is proposing a new law that will compel migrants to learn German and integrate into society or else lose their permanent residency rights.

The proposal comes after voters rejected Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door refugee policy in elections earlier this month, instead turning to the anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany.

In return for language lessons, social benefits and housing, Germany expected refugees would make an effort to integrate into western culture, Mr. de Maiziere told ARD television.

“For those who refuse to learn German, for those who refuse to allow their relatives to integrate — for instance women or girls — for those who reject job offers: for them, there cannot be an unlimited settlement permit after three years,” he said, Reuters reported.

He said he wanted to create a “link between successful integration and the permissions for how long one is allowed to stay in Germany.”



  1. Sure would be great if we had a leader like this.

  2. Public announcements like this are done to quell dissent among the peasants (regular little people).

    It is meaningless blunder by a politician.

  3. 7:09 - we don't have any leadership...except maybe the MD governor!

    He's doing some good stuff!

  4. How about learn how not to kill "non believers"? Might want to make them sign off on that and send id back to their religious leader where they came from.

  5. So they might lose their "rights" to permanent residency. How exactly is Germany going to evict them, since they have invaded, a take overver en masse?

  6. Perhaps a day late and a Euro short, but it's something that our leadership needs to think about.


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