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Friday, April 01, 2016

Blackburn: Left is seeking 'incremental' erosion of free expression

The right to free expression is under attack, according to a leading Republican in Congress, through an incremental approach that begins with federal regulators and trickles down to the private sector.

"They begin with the end in mind, and they incrementally walk toward their end," Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn told the Washington Examiner on Monday. "We know that is how they operate.

"Bearing that in mind, you know what they are doing is seeking ways to encroach on your privacy and freedom of speech, and then they want to tax it and regulate so that they control priority and value to content," Blackburn added. "Working with Google and Facebook, they're able to get into that ... business."

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  1. Proves democrats are not liberals,progressives or socialists they are communists!

  2. The definition of "Progressives".

  3. It's important to remember that this is how the left operates. Incremental change. One thing, then the next.
    Many years ago, I worked with a radically liberal fellow from New York at a public radio station and he explained that very fact to me. That's how they operate.


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