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Monday, April 11, 2016

DUI Log for Week 4/04/2016 Thru 4/10/2016

Name Hometown Date Time Age Location of Arrest Accident Yes or No?

Mark Anthony Bowden Sr Salisbury, Md 04/04/16 7:53 AM 32 Rt 50 @ Bell Rd N

Monty Ray Jones Berlin, Md 04/05/16 10:46 PM 52 8428 Stephen Decatur N

James Edward Click Frederick, Md 04/05/16 11:13 PM 55 N/B Golf Course @ Rt 50 N

Marlin Triece Bohler 3rd Salisbury, Md 04/10/16 3:32 AM 51 W/B Rt 50 West of Rt 90 N


  1. I must be the first to notice

    1. Maybe not the first to notice, but certainly the first to make an obscure comment

  2. I wonder if they all will get plea deals that include a $400 find and get to keep their license

  3. Just one more reason why we don't go or spend money in OC. It has become a trap unless you rent a place to stay. Nothing there I need to see or purchase.

  4. What I notice is that these names are on case search and the State trooper that got a DUI on Super Bowl weekend still hasn't shown up. The troopers name was John Dize from the Somerset County barracks. The article was on this site as well as published in the DT. I would think that someone would be questioning why no charges have ever been posted on the case search site and no court date.

  5. Just so everyone can stop worrying . It's was handled in what is called " in departmental " in other terms handled by a supervisor from that barrack. Because he is a MST he is considered on duty at all times. Yes that is the law I know someone will say different or the editor will but that is the law. Not that he is above it but that's the deal. The same as a trooper stoping you and not being in uniform. You can request another officer but they don't have to by law. This is why it's not on case search ... And it won't be either. Sucks for the rest of us but that's how it is. He was suspended for a few days during the process but is back on duty now made a traffic stop on revels neck road yesterday at 4:30.

    1. Where is the CRIMINAL CASE? In house fine is only for the arrest so where is the criminal charge,good ole boy.

  6. Anonymous said...
    What I notice is that these names are on case search and the State trooper that got a DUI on Super Bowl weekend still hasn't shown up. The troopers name was John Dize from the Somerset County barracks. The article was on this site as well as published in the DT. I would think that someone would be questioning why no charges have ever been posted on the case search site and no court date.

    April 11, 2016 at 10:23 AM

    Joe can you please delete this comment. This comment has absolutely nothing to do with your post. This guy is going set you up for a law suit or even have cops gunning for you.

    This commenter obviously has a hard on for this trooper makes these attacks on a daily basis. You won't let anyone call Jim Ireton a Homo on here but you are quick to post this punks constant attacks on this trooper daily. Please do the right thing and delete this comment. Please block this guy.

    1. Ever hear of freedom of speach Trooper?

  7. Aww, too much sunshine on the dark workings of the MSP? The trooper was drunk. People know about it. No lawsuit from complaining about preferential treatment of police officers. What happens when the next one is drunk and kills someone or a family? Will that be dealt with internally? The days of the good ole boy blue wall are going away with readily available video and the internet. Sorry, but you boys better clean up your act because you are not going to get away with what you did in the past.

  8. Thank you 12:15. Just as we had suspected, troopers do get special treatment. I find it appalling that a trooper can get a DUI and never have to appear in court. Worse yet he is back on duty and can give someone else a DUI and they will certainly go to court and lose their license. Obviously a trooper can be drunk, have an accident and basically continue business as usual.

    Obviously 12:29 doesn't care anything at all about equal justice for all. I bet 12:29 supports Hillary Clinton, probably doesn't care that she brakes the law constantly and seems to get away with it also. Our government is corrupt, yet some folks seems to be OK with that, I for one am not.

  9. Craziest thing I've ever heard 12:15. One would think it would be even more serious if a trooper got a DUI while on duty. Something really stinks here.

    I'm amazed how some always come to the defense of criminals. I bet 12:29 defended OJ simpson and Ted Kizensky.

  10. Wicomico County State Attorney got special treatment from the courts and cops also. He was a licensed CCW and was under the influence of booze, in possession of a gun, which is a Felony, but that got dismissed! He didn't even get jail time on weekends for being DUI. Special treatment for "Special" people.

    1. If I was a lawyer I would site this case.

    2. I heard a superiir of Hurlock police badmouthing his own officers and troopers? What a pos so much for brotherhood.

  11. I wonder if MADD (Mothers against drunk driving) is aware of this policy. I do not think they would be pleased. Talk about the fox watching the hen house, this is unbelievable!

    1. YeAh where is the outrage from MADD ?? Hypocrites.

  12. I had an accident that totaled my work truck just before Christmas and was issued two bogus tickets when the other driver was obviously at fault. I took it to court, and the charges were Nolle Pros, but the charges are still on the Case Search. I found out last week, I cannot get them off there or expunged for 3 years!

    May I say my driving record for the last 25 years only has one thing on it, a change of address when we went to "911" address system.

    TWO sets of laws, as Imclain continuously points out!

    So, if I ever get pulled over again, these two loser tickets will show up and I'm sure to be treated badly.

  13. Obviously the trooper did not even get charged as initially reported. If he had been charged it would have shown up on case search so in reality the police lied (again) when they said he received a DUI. So the bottom line is that a trooper wrecks his truck while drunk and he doesn't even get charged and has nothing on his record. I find this kind of thing very disturbing. The Princess Anne barracks has had many problems and they have all been swept under the table. Anyone remember the trooper that left a racist message on a woman's answering machine, the trooper that shot a disabled man in the head, etc and not a one of them has been charged with a crime. If we had a real MSM in this area they would do an investigation into this kind of behavior and at least report it to the public.

  14. MADD probably doesn't know about this process, if they did I can't believe that they would not be outraged and force change.

  15. A DUI is a DUI and everyone should be treated the same, no exceptions!

  16. Is this a joke? I can't believe a state trooper can get caught for driving drunk and not even be charged. Should be big news.


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