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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Confederate flag draws attention in southern Md.

MECHANICSVILLE, Md. — Several familiar and not-so-familiar Confederate flags are getting some attention in southern Maryland.

Two flags, including the controversial Confederate battle flag, recently were put up near the large sign along the side of Md. Rt. 234 welcoming visitors into St. Mary’s County from neighboring Charles County.

The flags could be seen about 40 feet behind the sign.

“We had not received any official complaints until last week, when someone had contacted a local radio station and made us aware that the flag was actually up there,” St. Mary’s County Commissioner John O’Connor says.

O’Connor went out to the site and determined that the Confederate battle flag was on private property. He couldn’t force any one to take it down.



  1. Come step one foot on my property (trespassing), PRIVATE PROPERTY over a damn flag and see what will happen to you...

  2. This is one of the stupidest complaints I have heard or read about in years. History offends a few people, well tough, get over it. It happened, and if they look at Africa today, they should be damm glad their ancestors were slaves! There fellow countrymen are still living in the dirt! Here they are housed, doctored, fed, and even given a phone, all for FREE!!! They should be thankful, not ungrateful.

  3. "..He couldn’t force any one to take it down.."
    Right. And he shouldn't even try, because it's on private property. First Amendment.

  4. Private property, no problem, he has the right to fly what he wishes. Neighbors may think he is a putz but this is America.

  5. We all need to come to our senses are domain is ours. This whole race war needs to stop now, it reared its head in recent years because of people who murdered and broke the laws and became martars for all the wrong reasons. We are one nation under God get a grip.

  6. Folks, there is going to come a point when infringement ignites and explodes.
    And as much as I detest the demonstrations, and participants, at Trump rallies, I'm afraid that those of us concerned about freedom, the Constitution and our tradition are going to have to adopt a similar strategy or be consumed by the uneducated idiocy so widespread today.

  7. It is no longer our country, take a look around, it is not what the framers agreed to.

  8. Democrats want us to believe the 1st Amendment only applies to them.

  9. It wasn't your country from the beginning!! Do you remember history!!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is one of the stupidest complaints I have heard or read about in years. History offends a few people, well tough, get over it. It happened, and if they look at Africa today, they should be damm glad their ancestors were slaves! There fellow countrymen are still living in the dirt! Here they are housed, doctored, fed, and even given a phone, all for FREE!!! They should be thankful, not ungrateful.

    April 1, 2016 at 10:26 AM

    I agree with you 100%. There ancestors were sold into slavery by other africans. They should praise the Lord that happened to their ancestors or they would be running around with a bone through their noses.

    I think it's funny when some blacks where that african garb to make everyone think they came from a king or a queen in africa. Dream on ghetto trash.

  11. Anonymous said...
    "..He couldn’t force any one to take it down.."
    Right. And he shouldn't even try, because it's on private property. First Amendment.

    April 1, 2016 at 10:30 AM

    He is one councilman with no authority to force anyone to do anything in that county.

  12. God Bless the Confederacy! I love my Confederate Heritage and I will never be ashamed of it. You dumb ass weak RINO's let them take our history away from us because it might make a black thug feel better. You idiots are not the ones that I want running my country. Only an ignorant moron would blame the war on slavery. Not one of my ancestors owned a slave and I can guarantee you they didn't fight so someone else could keep theirs. They went to war because there were foreign invaders on their land and it is going to happen again. This government has gotten to big because of Democrats and weak RINO's.

    Bring it on!

  13. There is a confederate flag proudly flying in front of a house sitting right next to Chili's in Salisbury.

    1. Hell, I'm Black and live right next door to a family who flies their Confederate flag everyday. It don't bother me one bit. And furthermore, they are great neighbor.

  14. I am moving this week lol.


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