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Sunday, April 17, 2016


The image above was done in the Library at Salisbury University. Other racial images have also been spreading around the University in recent weeks. 

This incident was reported to the Dean two days ago and there are video cameras throughout the Library, so finding out who did this should not be an issue. 

Typical of an independent University, NOTHING has been exposed to the "outside world" and to date none of the students have been informed as to who is behind it.

Parents are saying, I don't pay all that money for my child to go to college in Salisbury to have them scared to death.


  1. With all the fake racial incidents we've see recently, this doesn't mean much till the perp is identified.

  2. Stick figure lives matter

  3. Guaranteed Liberal Plants.

  4. Thugz lives don't matter.

  5. Part of Obama's plan

  6. I work on the other side of the bay during the week - I heard about this on the DC news today!

    Considering the incivility and racial division the current POSPOTUS has been fostering for the last seven+ years and the current rage against the currently elected officials...I expected this to happen a while ago!

    1. Glad you heard it on the news, because without Joe Albero we wouldnt hear anything, wboc and wmdt are to busy with their rose colored Charles Paperella and Captain Willie glasses

  7. Joe u got to put this post back up in the am.

  8. I suspect it's a hoax and that's why no one is being identified or an issue being made out of it.

  9. I need my safe space, waaaaaaaahhhhh!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    With all the fake racial incidents we've see recently, this doesn't mean much till the perp is identified.

    April 12, 2016 at 7:17 PM

    That was my first thought too. I have heard of several incidents similar to this where the person doing it was black. It should not automatically be assumed this was a white person doing this.

  11. None of the usual channels at SU have reported this.

    1. Because they know and have seen its a black person who did it.

  12. Millennial attention getters killing America.
    ALL MILLINIALS need to forced into the military. X 4 yrs.

  13. Millennial attention getters killing America.
    ALL MILLINIALS need to be forced into the military. X 4 yrs.

  14. Yes I'm sure it's just a joke. Yes I'm sure it's a black person that did it. Yes I'm sure you're all racist morons.

  15. its true, a relative of mine who works in facilities told me that apparently two black students were seen on video drawing something and then leaving the room....but I don't think SU's version of Rosanne (the president) wants that to come out.....

    1. Of course not that's why they "Haven't" found anyone.

  16. BLM has trying to recruit here on the shore for the past weeks. This does not surprise me we have a quiet community. The only head lines recently are Black on Black. That dog will not hunt here. If you noticed on Joe's blog numerous new faces posting names and pics of themselves trying to incite something.

    It could have been a white kid but I do doubt it. With that said I have college age family that have stated they are sick of Black agenda. Sad we have good people on the shore of all colors. When the police did have to takes lives in the past year or so no one protested. No one burned stores. Lets leave that crap to the idiots across the bridge. They need to find out who did this and take any action under the law or school policy that can be taken. Regardless of their color.

    Joe thanks for keeping us informed I never heard a peep about this.

  17. Scared to death? All the black on black shootings, drug dealing, home invasions, and a stick figure on a board in the library of a white liberal college is what parents are afraid of? And I agree, we should wait to find who done it, because recent history would indicate it wasn't who the scared ones might wish it was!

    1. What about the knockout game against white people.

    2. Buy a gun and carry it!!! I do!!

  18. Racism is nothing new to the Delmarva peninsula! It has just been stroked by the political climate and of course by having the first black president! There will always be people who think they are better than others! It`s an American tradition lol

    1. It was White liberals that voted for obama.

  19. Just a matter of time folks , and I might add a short period of time!
    If it's brown it's down!

    1. Whatever, tuffy

    2. It's coming tuffy tick tock.

    3. Joe you need to keep the pressure on with this college my bet is the SPD police pizza chief has seen the video and advised not to release it because the peep is Black.

  20. Why is this newsworthy?

    Can we agree that either a black, white or some other person did it?

    Can we agree that the person did it to get a reaction and/or cause public outrage?

    Can we agree that nobody got harmed by that writing? Is this why some colleges are putting in "safe" rooms?

    Have we become that soft of a society?

    Someone is screaming of a "cover-up", that it's not being reported properly to the public.

    Well...it should have been covered up and erased. There's no "real" story here. Just some jug-head who wrote something stupid to get the masses riled up. And it looks like they were successful.

    1. The point us if it was a white kid it would be all over the msm, but the liberal administration KNOWS its a black kid.

  21. My daughter came home for SU the other day and showed me the photo that she took of this BS. I was hoping that this mess was behind us but there is always some idiot that wants to stir the pot. Once again I find myself being wrong.

    Maybe if we don't pay attention to it then it won't blow up and the person who drew this won't get any satisfaction from their heinous behaviour.

    Just my two cents. Peace everybody!

    1. You should also email SPD Police chief Duncan and ask her why she isn't telling the truth about crime in the Bury? We educated people know it's not to educate college parents because it would affect the SU $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ she is going to get a kid killed one day as is or or mayor Day.

    2. What a drama queen! !! She's gonna get someone killed!!! Everyone knows about the crime on Salisbury. Why do you think SU enrollment has dropped every year for 5 years??? Besides SU isn't much of a choice for kids unless you want to party constantly! !! Kids (who are smart enough ) don't come to Salisbury. WHY??? What do they have to offer compared to others on DELMARVA???

    3. Enrollment has been down every year for five years? Really? If you believe that stat you may need some higher education, lol

  22. They should be identified period. The public deserves to know the facts.

  23. Anybody ever heard of the First Amendment?? Who would even pay such attention to this and now, thanks to the BLM movement, such unimportant crap like this is now consuming the more meaningful aspirations, The BLM movement is purely racial and violent with no moral compass. BLM only serves to divide us even further. Stop playing the race card, put on your big boy pants and continue building a more beneficial society and community for all. Face it, most of the BLM is only interested with lining their pockets! And, yes,I'm a proud Black American who believes every life matters. Stop all of this garbage and just obey the law!

    1. Good for you!! We're with you!

  24. SU is a state school, not an independent or a private university that can withhold whatever information they feel like withholding. My question is, How do we know this is actual a truthful event that happened at SU? How did you get this Joe? Where did you hear of this?
    Unless you know somebody within the deans office how do you know it was reported to the office? More information is needed to believe the story itself is even valid, until I hear that this is even valid I'm not going to play the whole speculation game that it was a liberal plant, a black student, a white student, a martian or a chick (Because the hash tag is clearly chick writing)

    1. Really it was all the web ever here of it? ?

  25. The students should be upset. At the students that did this. The staff has nothing to do with type of action. It was some really stupid young adult and if you believe the leaks a Black student at that. Place the blame where it belongs. More Black agenda b.s. Sadly the majority of ALL people want this to stop.

    Joe thanks for keeping us informed. By the way S.U. has their own police so kicking Chief Duncan is also a waste of time she has no bearing on this matter. Keep it real people.

  26. I bet a real report was never taken. If it was, a FOIA request including video footage would be quite interesting.

    Not surprising however.

  27. Every time you talk about the elephant in the room you have people blow smoke to cover up the truth! Face it, our country always has and always will have a race relations problem! Why, because it`s a passed down tradition. Even though you have lots of good people of all colors. Even though most victims of crime it`s by their own race! Even though we would like to think we have come a long way and we have! Racist and bigots continue find ways to keep it alive! Mostly by fear, hate, distrust and ignorance! Before you judge someone you should know more than their skin color! I wonder what God racist serve? I guess God favors certain people`s skin color!

  28. Content of character is what matters.Nothing else Martin Luther King said it best! sad BLM miss that key point. They have deviated from MLKs path

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Millennial attention getters killing America.
    ALL MILLINIALS need to forced into the military. X 4 yrs.

    April 12, 2016 at 10:24 PM

    What ever for? A standing army is fine to prevent and respond to any invasion but that is all.

    And with all the high weapons most countries have, the common ground pounder is not needed as they once were.

    We certainly do not need any more unnecessary and illegal wars, just to make a select few richer.

    And a lot of our bases around the world need and should be closed.

    Of course, none of that will happen. Every manufacturer still needs to make its profit at taxpayer expense. We have to keep creating boogey men countries to focus our hate and spending on.

    1. As a veteran and sit back and watch and listen to all this BS disgusts me. This country WAS able to enjoy all its liberties because if our military and the young men that gave their lives. As it stands now your going to eat those words at the hands of all your Middle East friends

    2. Can you imagine Millinials fighting for freedom?

  30. Whoopdedoo. I am not impressed.

  31. The tensions have not gone away. My child just alerted me to more threats circulating the school today(Friday)with AA males in ski masks holding guns talking about shooting up white kids during lunch in the cafeteria. My neighbor got the same info from his child, and is checking him out of school.

  32. I want my safe space.... wwwwwaaaaaaaaa!

  33. These AA kids act like a bunch of animals. You get treated the way you act. Grow up get an "edumacation" and do something productive. "BE THE FIRST IN YOUR FAMILY

  34. It's all baloney, a bad prank, a ruse to attract attention. Ignore it and it will go away.

  35. Who really cares? Like seriously? Born and raised on the Shore and I have never, in all my 37 yrs of living had one white person call me a derogatory slur. Not once. Of course I'm aware of bias and bigoted feelings. Guess what, it absolutely doesn't bother me. It hasn't prevented me from obtaining employment, buying a house or buying car, nothing. Everyone is extremely hypersensitive and it brings out the nut jobs on both sides of the fence. If and when a white person decides to come at me, then I will deal with them directly and swiftly. All this bitchin and moaning is bs and nonsense. White people will feel how they feel, Black people will feel how they feel and that's it. What I can't get is when I go out and about in Salisbury is that the majority of events are pretty racially mixed, however when I read blogs you would think the klan is rolling through town daily. It seems to be a lot of internet thugs, internet nazi's and people who enjoy instigating bs for the sake of it. Hopefully, the majority of people will see it for what it is and keep it moving. It really isn't that hard to either get along, tolerate or ignore those who are different from you. Pick and stance and for the love of God just shut your mouth and leave the rest of us to our own accord.

  36. Just about the right time for that sophomore sociology paper to be written.

  37. Want racisim? Go walk around UMES. A deaf man can hear the smears that are mumbled.

  38. 12:07: well said. The great majority of the people here have no cares about race. We have coworkers and teachers and friends and doctors of every color. Most people are just tired of race being made an issue, because it's not for most of us.

  39. clueless said...

    Really it was all the web ever here of it? ?

    April 13, 2016 at 2:57 PM

    College student wrote this? Just WOW.

  40. Any idiots walking around making threats should be locked up! The majority of people who don`t care should have to be at the receiving side of racism and social injustice their whole life! Maybe then they would care! The real minority should be idiots who threaten the fabric of our country with their ignorant behavior. I don`t care what color they are! But to sit back and endure an unfair society is unthinkable! Is that not what inspired the declaration of independence?


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