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Monday, April 11, 2016

Baltimore Sees Hospitals As Key To Breaking A Cycle Of Violence

Every year, U.S. hospitals treat hundreds of thousands of violent injuries. Often, the injured are patched up and sent home, right back to the troubles that landed them in the hospital in the first place.

Now, as these institutions of healing are facing pressure under the Affordable Care Act to keep readmissions down, a growing number of hospitals are looking at ways to prevent violence. In Baltimore, health department workers have pitched hospitals an idea they want to take citywide.

The idea builds on the city's Safe Streets program, which hires ex-offenders to intervene in conflicts before someone gets hurt. They're called "violence interrupters," and they use their street credibility and deep social ties to settle fights.



  1. The cycle violence can be cured by only one thing and it's free , Christianity .

    1. Christianity does not cure violence. It just rationalizes it, directs it, and eventually offers "forgiveness" for it.


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