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Monday, April 11, 2016

Apple-Justice Department Standoff Over iPhone Access Goes On, In New York

Although the FBI says it has successfully unlocked the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, a separate legal standoff between Apple and the government continues — in a drug case in Brooklyn, N.Y.

The Justice Department told a judge Friday that Apple's help is still needed to unlock an iPhone seized from a methamphetamine dealer. The DOJ is appealing a ruling from a magistrate judge, who sided with Apple in February.

"The government continues to require Apple's assistance in accessing the data that it is authorized to search by warrant," U.S. Attorney Robert Capers wrote in a letter to U.S. District Court Judge Margo Brodie.

A comparison between the New York and the San Bernardino case isn't, well, apples to apples. The cases involve different types of iPhones that run different types of operating systems and require different types of technical assistance from the company.



  1. Just another government scam.

  2. So, they have the admitted guilty meth dealer in jail awaiting sentencing. He knows the combination.

    Make a plea deal.

    Oh, wait, that wouldn't accomplish the real agenda here, would it?

  3. Apple gave the govt back doors to their phones years ago... Just like google, so don't be fooled...

    This is smoke and mirrors so you people will keep buying apples crap... Pay high dollar for a phone made in china all for the name brand apple...

  4. 8:14 Oh because you know this as a fact? How?


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