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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Baltimore Cop Drags Teen Out of His Home Without a Warrant: “That (Warrant) Don’t Matter”

Baltimore police came under criticism on Monday after footage surfaced of a white officer pulling an 18-year-old black teen out of his doorway on Saturday while apparently disregarding the lack of a search warrant.

The officer repeatedly asks to speak to the homeowner, later identified as Jones’ mother, India Epps. But Jones tells him that he lives there and that she is working. The argument continues until the unidentified white officer pulls up to the home and walks to the door without speaking to anyone.

“This is my house,” Jones says. “That don’t matter,” the officer replies before grabbing him.



  1. So you need a search warrant for a person standing in front of you to arrest them nah that's dumb.

    1. Why was he arrested? He did nothing wrong.

    2. I would imagine he committed some crime prior to the recording. Police were at the residence for some reason.

    3. How do you know what he did or didn't do.

    4. He was trying to enter the house without a warrent and was trying to trick the kid into allowing them into the home under the pretext that if the homeowner isn't present warrents don't matter. If that were true they could go into anyone's house when they are not home. And he cleverly put his hand into the door crack so it couldnt be shut. I bet he would have claimed in court that he had already entered the residence because his fingertips were inside. Only under suspicion that someone is in immediate danger are the police allowed to enter any home without a warrent. They should be charged with assault and trespassing like any of us would be.
      MANY police act like jackboot thugs and do you want to know why none of them speak out... Because the good ones are outnumbered.

    5. U need a search warrant to come in their house

  2. He was a Black Lt. and has been cleared of any wrong doing. That kid needed a beat down. if the cop was White Mosby would have fried his butt. Another slanted MSN press release.

  3. You want the 2nd amendment but are willing to give up the fourth amendment? You can't fix stupid!

  4. 2:15 no, all of the amendments apply.....to white christian males. Things always get a bit fuzzy when you talk about any other group.

  5. Between incidents like this and the civil forfeiture without due process, a few cops are giving them all a bad rep!

  6. 2:15 Which is why you're here....

  7. New World Order in action. If Cruz, Bernie, Hillary or Kasich have their way, the Constitution will cease and this will be norm. Under UN rule, no warrants necessary.

  8. Better vote Trump or you're going to see this all the time.

  9. 650 you are the problem making assumptions based on main stream media propaganda. You read 5 lines in a paragraph then form a stupid opinion based on litte to know information. Peter Pan called he is looking for you. Thanks.

  10. They were checking on the home owner. There was a crew of thugs in the house and the Lt. wanted to lay eyes on her. Continuous problems at this residence. All parties were Black. No harm no foul. As for you street corner attorneys get a life. All legal just more liberal media trying to make a story. Glad when Trump gets in office he loves the cops. He loves America.

  11. So, if a police officer illegally enters my home without a search warrant, would using deadly force be justified?

  12. All are wrong. Watch again. The kid came out and forgot his keys. Turned around and knocked. Even went out back to try to be heard. This is over reach at its finest. The officer should be charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment, assault, and the other small charges always added to make the plea bargain. Cops have got to be held accountable. Only way to his will happen is to start charging them. Then all cops will start to see they can't do this and stop.

  13. All you wannabe lawyers are hilarious. I got my JD from Loyola Law School in 1962. Graduated with Johnnie Cockring and worked with him as a LA Deputy City Attorney. Please return to your day jobs and leave the legal analysis to us experts.


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