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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Vox Calls for Obama Third Term

Just when it seemed the 2016 election couldn’t get any more frightening, a moonbat is calling for an unconstitutional Obama third term:

Vox’s Matt Yglesias has proposed something that would probably horrify most Americans: A Literal Third-Term Obama. Shamelessly, the Voxer takes sycophancy to new heights in his his latest piece, aptly entitled, “Democrats’ best choice for 2016 is the guy already in the White House.” Apparently, de facto third-term Obama candidate Hillary Clinton isn’t enough. “It would make a lot more sense for him to directly face his critics on the left (Bernie Sanders) and right (every Republican) rather than do so indirectly through the proxy of Hillary Clinton,” writes Yglesias without a hint of sarcasm.



  1. Clinton is a 3rd term.yuk

  2. Frankly I'm surprised Obama hasn't changed the rules so he can stay in office. He's pissed on everything else in the constitution.

  3. I can't stand Obama, but if I HAD to choose between him, Hillary or Bernie, he would prevail as the lesser of three evils. It's truly a shame that the Dems have put up candidates that are so outrageous that I would prefer to live under Obama's BS for another 4 years. Sure, Trump is pretty crazy, but I think he is EXACTLY what this country needs - throw out political correctness, bring back hard working values, put a stop to frivolous entitlements, protect our borders, deport illegals (or make them tax paying citizens), honor our veterans and protect our own. Plus I think that a President that hasn't been entrenched in politics his whole life is what will fix this nation.

  4. 8:25 AM, My thoughts exactly.

  5. I'm so sick of politically correctness too. Take the Confederate flag. Anyone who that offends is a mental case who should just take a gun, put it to their head and pull the trigger. If something like a flag offends you then you have no business being out in the community as you are a danger to society.


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