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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Liberal Idiot Whoopi Goldberg Tries to Humiliate Trump… BAD Idea!

In an effort to save their ratings that have been in a nosedive, the hosts of “The View” decided they would call Donald Trump and ask him a few questions…what they didn’t expect, was that he would have the answers… silly them.

After asking Trump what his Iran deal would have looked like, Whoopi quickly turns the topic of discussion to immigration pointing out that Trump’s own wife is an immigrant of Eastern Europe.

“Your stance on immigration is a little testy for folks,” Goldberg told Trump. “Not all Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists, I just want to straighten that up.”

But then Behar went too far when she asked Trump if he is a “Democrat at heart.”

“I used to be a Democrat,” Trump admitted, saying that he switched parties just like Ronald Reagan did. “And now I’m a Republican, a conservative Republican, but with a very big heart.”

No matter how hard Whoopi and Behar tried, they couldn’t knock Trump down. Instead, he won over the liberal audience by saying how much he respects women.



  1. And now the Bi//h Magen Kelly is getting ANOTHER show directed by the View WTF ? Other than Hannity faux news is DONE, AKA as the Republican Establishment

  2. Ever notice when former comedians make their liberal rants how unfunny they become?

  3. There is a difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. I have absolutely no issue with immigrants as long as the are legal, tax paying citizens that obey the law. What we can't have are people coming here, milking the system and soaking up all of the entitlements that the Dems are so quick to hand out to people regardless of their citizenship and criminal history. We can't simply have millions of undocumented people roaming this country - that leaves us vulnerable not only financially, but also to attack from within.

  4. I almost hate Faux News anymore, except for Hannity. Meghan Kelly, I cannot stand. And as for the View, that is the almost nearest nothing show I have ever watched - talk about Faux - that would be Behar, especially Behar and Whoopi. Wannabe's that never were and never will be.

  5. As soon as I noticed "Faux News" written in a comment, I knew this comment could be skipped.


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