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Thursday, March 10, 2016

UFO Encounter at Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe 1994


  1. While we're cleaning house on the 'establishment' this election year, this is yet another well covered up lie our government has perpetrated for years [at least since 1941, Cape Girardeau, Missouri].
    Executive order [still in effect today, H. Truman 1947], deep compartmentalized secrecy [Majestic 12/Majik-12/MJ12], debunking, disinformation and ridicule have been their weapons against the truth for all these years. There is so, so much evidence that the entire world is alive with EBEs [that's what the gov't calls them, Extraterrestrial Biological Entities] pronounced E-bah, visiting Earth.
    Jimmy Carter campaigned on opening up the real data on extraterrestrial visitation however, when he was finally briefed he sank into a somber mood and refused to comply with his promise. Some speculate it is why he moved into the mediator humanitarian vein he still fosters today.
    Point being.., this is real folks. And, your gov't knows it, has covered it up and is to this day lying to you about their involvement in it.

  2. I still can't get by the Japan Air Lines Alaska encounter.

    The Flight Captain did not make anything up, we even tracked it on radar.

    The powers-to-be ruined the pilots life after he came forward.

    is it any wonder, nobody else says anything?

  3. I find the 1941 crash in Missouri to be the most compelling.


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