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Thursday, March 10, 2016

GOP House Majority Leader could easily lose his seat in Congress

As Rep. Kevin McCarthy has consistently displayed that he is a staunch supporter of the Obama administrations agenda, he may very well be the second consecutive Republican to be ousted from the House Majority Leader position, following the role of his predecessor, Eric Cantor.

A recent poll conducted by the Tea Party Leadership Fund shows incumbent McCarthy attaining only 52% of the conservative vote in California’s 23rd District against any hypothetical conservative, without other variables involved. To make matters worse for the Congressman, this number dropping to a mere 26% support when pollee’s were informed that Congressman McCarthy has “voted in favor of the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that allowed for the funding of Obamacare, Executive Amnesty, and Planned Parenthood.” Almost 95 percent of House Republicans voted against this bill that McCarthy supported.

It is clear, now more than ever, that Republican constituents are tired of so-called conservative representatives voting in favor of the Democratic agenda. Republicans are actively awaiting a leader who will fight for the conservative ideals that this country was built on, and once thrived upon.

Source: American Action News

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