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Saturday, March 26, 2016

This Muslim Woman's Hateful Act Towards Israel Caught on Tape

This will make you absolutely sick:

A French TV station captured footage of a woman wearing a hijab ripping up an Israeli flag at a makeshift memorial for the victims of Tuesday’s bombings in Brussels.

The images were captured by the RTL television network and disseminated on the web and social media.

The incident took place at the vigil that was set up in the central Brussels landmark Place de la Bourse.

Europe is burning. As their nations continue to swell with refugees, they should note well the regard that their newest residents have for other faiths, and proceed accordingly. Their citizen's lives depend on it.

Source: AAN


  1. And nobody did or said anything...Sheep.

  2. promoting the Globalist agenda.. they need radical Muslims to make the case we need the Globalists to protect us


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