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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Charlotte Transgender Rule Nixed; Other Cities Reined in

Sparked by backlash to Charlotte's ordinance allowing transgender people to use restrooms aligned with their gender identity, the North Carolina legislature reined in local governments with a broad bill that prevents cities and counties from passing their own anti-discrimination rules. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory signed the legislation Wednesday night, dealing a blow to the LGBT movement after success with protection in cities across the country.

The Republican-controlled General Assembly took action Wednesday to invalidate Charlotte's ordinance after city leaders last month approved the broad anti-discrimination measure. Critics focused on language in the ordinance involving transgender people and restrooms.

McCrory, who was the mayor of Charlotte for 14 years and had criticized the local measure, signed the legislation that he said was "passed by a bipartisan majority to stop this breach of basic privacy and etiquette."

Although 12 House Democrats joined all Republicans present in voting for the bill in the afternoon, later all Senate Democrats in attendance walked off their chamber floor during the debate in protest. Remaining Senate Republicans gave the legislation unanimous approval.

"We choose not to participate in this farce," Senate Minority Leader Dan Blue of Raleigh said after he left the chamber.

Senate leader Phil Berger of Eden said the Democrats' decision to leave was a "serious breach of their obligation to the citizens that voted to elect them."


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