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Sunday, March 27, 2016

They Can't Be Serious?

I am absolutely blown away that Salisbury could be so desperate for federal/state funds for Bike Routes that they would encourage ANYONE to ride along Rt. 13.

It's bad enough there are hundreds of vehicle accidents each year, can you imagine just how many people would be hit by cars while riding bicycles on the very same road. 



  1. Bicycles are allowed on almost every road. However you would have to be either an idiot or a Democrat to ride this stretch of road.

  2. Helllllllllllllllll no!

  3. As an avid biker myself, I prefer the roads less traveled. No way on 13 or 50.

  4. Did they change MD Law by giving Bicycles the total lane? What is this any difference than having Shore Transit having bus stops directly on RT 13 and not on a side street or have them pull in parking lots instead of stopping in the travel portion / hindering the flow of traffic? This shows you the intelligence level of our politians and their regard for the public's safety.

  5. 11:13 There is no difference.

  6. Since I am neither suicidal nor a democrat, NO!

  7. Bike lane markers have been posted around town on several roads; Biers have increased the danger by having one lane of Mt. Herman road in each direction eliminated for traffic - dedicated to bikes. Have yet to see a single bike use any of these wasted taxpayer dollar facilities. Yet another reason to not live in the "bury.

  8. NO!!! Of coarse I got my drivers license on a Friday and scrapped the bicycle on Saturday....haven't rode once since!!! Not even a exercise bike...LOL

  9. do bicyclist have insurance and a MD tags.

  10. Sure , if it was in the back of my pickup

  11. Concerned Retiree said...
    Did they change MD Law by giving Bicycles the total lane? What is this any difference than having Shore Transit having bus stops directly on RT 13 and not on a side street or have them pull in parking lots instead of stopping in the travel portion / hindering the flow of traffic? This shows you the intelligence level of our politians and their regard for the public's safety.

    March 20, 2016 at 12:18 PM

    Did you know that every time you slowed down to make a right turn to a side street that you were "hindering the flow of traffic!"

  12. If I have to ride my bikes on dangerous roads I ride on the sidewalks especially when my kids are riding with me.

    BTW to you morons that hold office in Chincoteague, if you expect me to visit your Island and spend money while riding bikes you need to get rid of no bike riding signs on your sidewalks.

  13. why aren't biker laws enforced? they aren't supposed to ride in your lane towards you. not on sidewalks, though i don't blame them. signal turns, stop at lights & signs...etc.

  14. You can count on one hand the number of bicycle rider tickets given out over the last five years for violating traffic laws in Salisbury.

    It's more likely that you'll be stopped for not having a bell or reflector or light, and that's generally just because they want to stop you for something not related to your bicycle.

  15. its bad enough riding a motorcycle around here, with idiots running you out of your lane and off the roadway, turning in front of you, tailgating you, wanting to race you etc. no way on a bicycle


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