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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Thank God Its Friday 3-25-16

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Attending service and being thankful for the sacrifice that was made on behalf of us

  2. Getting my mowers and riding mower out and mowing the grass for the first time since October.

  3. Attending Holy Week services and giving thanks and praise to God for our Lord Jesus who sacrificed His life for us.

  4. JUST trying to survive......

  5. Thinking about death. Most of my friends and family are now gone. Because of the times we are living in, life sucks. Contemplating life's questions and missing the past.

  6. I really don't know what I'm going to do anymore , the country is in such a turmoil , it just gives me grief everyday. We have no law , no GOOD lawyers or judges , we are fighting each other with racial motives and slurs ,
    we have given up on religion , we have a society that depends on dope or prescription drugs , absolutely nothing to look forward to , all of our food is tainted with chemicals , we worship the criminals and destroy the victims , the only happy thing around me is my dog.
    I'm an old man with old thoughts and old advice , I've survived for almost 80 years with God as my judge and friend . It's very difficult to understand what has happened in the last 7 years. What the hell is wrong with me ? Am I going crazy ? Am I wrong or what ?

  7. 11:09
    I feel the same way. Your not crazy.
    I'm only 54, but if my time has come, I am ready.
    Just hope it is in my sleep. My children are grown and no longer need me. I've done my time, I am ready to go.

  8. Helping my daughter prepare for her wedding. Enjoying family around an Easter feast. I love Spring. It's a time for renewal and hope. So many negative thinkers on this post today. Don't you know that you create what you think. Negativity helps no one.

  9. 11:53
    Yes it is a time of renewal, but it is also a time of death.
    New life comes from death.
    Wheat is an example of this. It must life for new life to come from it.
    At least the "negative" ones are realistic and put their heads in the sand and live like you in denial!

  10. THE RED ROOST.....eating nice fat steamed crabs with some ICE COLD BEER!!!! Truly DELMARVELOUS!!!

  11. I love that things are warming up and plants are starting to grow, but have the pollen that comes with it. Allergies have started early this year.

  12. Celebrating the Risen Savior with my family and friends. God is good and there's much to be grateful for. Yes, I've had my bad days, but we still have much more than most of the world. Celebrate, praise Him, be grateful, and help someone else, then your heart will be filled...

  13. praising God for not ever telling me to move to the great city of da bury


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