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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sheriff Mike Lewis Named Elks Citizen of the Year

The Salisbury Elks Lodge #817 has named Sheriff Mike Lewis as their Citizen of the Year for 2016. There will be a ceremony on March 24, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Lodge. It is open to the public.

Biography taken from the Wicomico County Website http://www.wicomicosheriff.com/

Sheriff Lewis retired as a Sergeant with the Maryland State Police, Pro-Active Criminal Enforcement Team (PACE) after twenty-two years of loyal and dedicated service. In addition to his duties as the agency's leading Criminal Interdiction Expert, Sheriff Lewis remains a CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR through the Maryland Police Training Commission, and a certified MASTER INSTRUCTOR through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Sheriff Lewis was directly responsible for the training and educating of all Maryland State Police personnel in the Criminal Interdiction Venue.

Elected November 2006, and now serving his third consecutive four-year term, Sheriff Lewis has worked tirelessly to transform the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office into one of superior service to our citizens, and one of fear to the criminals who prey on an innocent society. Based on feedback we heard from our citizenry, we realized it was imperative to be very proactive while on patrol, while providing our officers and command staff with the tools and resources they need to educate the public and build sustainable community relationships.

Sheriff Lewis remains very much involved in community-outreach initiatives and organizations while leading a dedicated staff of 94 sworn deputies, and another 52 civilian personnel who provide judicial protection to our courts, traditional law-enforcement services to our citizens, and unprecedented protection to the communities we serve.



  1. Here we go , of course we will get the comments of how he loves the spotlight . He is a political figure and does very good work for the community , like it or not .

  2. Congratulations Sheriff

  3. Congratulations Sheriff! You deserve it!

  4. Hey Joe, did you see WBOC this morning? They had a commercial showing Dan Satterfield getting a Meteorologist of the year award!!! Saying you can trust Dan's 37 plus years of experience for "accurate" forecasts!!!!!!!!!
    Would love to see a post about this!!

  5. A actual elk is Bigger than little Mikey.

  6. Every thing is bigger than little mikey

  7. Get a award for doing your Job wow oh wow oh wow.

  8. Mike likes attention, but he does his job well. I think he's a pretty good fellow overall.
    If you have issues with him, just pray for him. If something needs to be straightened out, I'm sure God can handle it.

  9. "....very proactive...."
    Translation: F with EVERYONE.

    How has the "very proactive" police actions worked out? The crime rate, murders, robberies, thefts, assaults, home invasions going DOWN??
    Increasing EVERY YEAR.
    REVENUE from speeding tickets, seat belt violations, failing to use a turn signal, and any other means to take more money from working citizens? Also increasing every year.
    To me, it looks like one would be more safe standing in the ghetto with an EBT card, selling weed than you would be driving to WORK and back. You'd DEFINITELY have less "interaction" with "very proactive" police. Obviously, not wearing your seat belt is MUCH more dangerous to society than the oxy dealers on Church St. And taxpayers won't pull a gun and blast you for a seat belt ticket.
    Easy money. not much work. Proactive.
    Keep cheering.

    1. They are taking applications if you can do the job better. You will actually have to leave your keyboard though.
      Also, they get exactly 0% of fines for traffic or criminal court.

  10. Who voted on this selection?

  11. His administrative staff and their lady "friends"! That would be enough to win LOL

  12. OK, my turn.

    So from what I read, he's done his job. You know, what we pay him to do.

    In the mean time, burglaries are through the roof in the County. Drug use and distribution is at a world record high in the county.

    For the life of me, it makes me sick to my stomach that organizations like this refuse to look at some of the REAL HEROES who are not paid by the taxpayers to do their job. They do so from their heart and love for their community.

    I guess some can say this is just another feather in his cap and I hope Sheriff Lewis is proud of that. However, knowing Mike as well as I do, I know he'd agree with my comment. There are far more deserving people for such an award.

    I can't sit back and pat someone on the back for a job they are paid to do. I'd bet there are a dozen Teachers and others who deserved an award designed for real citizen of the year.

    If crime was way down and drugs were not as bad as they are, if we were hearing about king pins and dealers getting arrested, (like we do from the Delaware State police) on a regular basis because our leadership was in fact one that criminals and dealers feared, that would be a whole different story.

    However, just saying WORDS that criminals fear Sheriff Mike Lewis is an absolute joke. If they feared him, you'd see one press release after the other showing how Lewis shut down the drug ring in Wicomico County. I'd say it's more like the other way around.

    And if the tree hugging liberals get their way in Annapolis, the Sheriff's Deputies will be out writing tickets and arresting Farmers for excess chicken sh!t throughout the county. Their staff will also double so they can protect the new medical marijuana manufacturing facilities and living on the Wicomico River in McMansions.

    Heads Up: The Sheriff's Department is hiring.

  13. if the sheriff is smart he will leave the elks club as soon as he gets his award, that way he can beat all the drunks out of there and get home safely. the elks are currently leading the civic organizations in drunkenness but the moose lodge is trying to catch them

  14. I appreciate Mike and his work for our county, but I wish he would visit Sheriff Joe in Arizona for some 'better' ideas for this county...

  15. March 1, 2016 at 1:19 PM:

    This is the Elks way of "buying" protection for their members. Any private organization, where the private bar is a major source of their operating revenue, is bound to have more than a few impaired drivers leaving the scene. Now Micky will have to feel bad for targeting the impaired members leaving the Elks, or just instruct his force to concentrate on other areas. Kudos to the Elks for a shrewd choice! Its beautiful! They are some smart people.

  16. Congratulations Mike we support you , definitely deserve it.

  17. 1044 wait wait wait. Your friends with msp and Delmar pd. You also are trusted enough to baby sit their kids. Yet you BASH and THREATEN law enforcement every week!! Do they know you hate them?

  18. Last I knew a cop is not a civilian. And how can he do anything with the community when he's never seen unless on TV or a national attentive crime has happened? Now winning the " Ponch" look alike of the year or GQ's best dressed cop .... That is most accurate. Arizona's Joe. Our Mike and the one black Sheriff from the mid west are the top Sheriffs in the MSM.

  19. I think it's pretty Dang cool a dwarf can be a sheriff.

  20. All of you that post are the most negative, inconsiderate people.
    First, Mike Lewis has done a good job. He is a personal friend of mine, and I have known him since High School. If any of you could step into his shoes, go right ahead. Guaranteed you will fail.
    Second, Don't put down the Elks. That organization has done so many
    great things in the community. Over the past 10 years, they have donated Over $1 Million dollars, in our local community. Yes, the Elks is a bar, but it is more than just a bar. The Elks has a driver
    program, that they will pay for the Taxi ride home. But with some people you cant fix "Stupid" when they elect to drive home. If anyone in that bar see's someone leaving that maybe has had to many. They are stopped, there keys taken away, and a driver is provided.
    Join the ELKS, get involved, and really see what we are all about. How many organizations, have a Big Beautiful Bldg sitting on top of a hill, in the middle of Salisbury, with a Giant Pool, and Golf Course, and the biggest winter sledding park. For $100.00 per year, you can be part of this.

  21. the elks donate money because they are forced to donate a portion of their slot revenue by law, if it wasn't a law, the elks wouldn't donate 10 cents


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