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Sunday, March 06, 2016

Have We All Had Just About Enough Of This Yet?


  1. I wonder how many times they have been pulled over?

  2. Good place for a brick to land.

  3. This turd deserves a ticket for being stupid!

  4. Probably doesn't get pulled over. Police now it will be recorded edited and put on sites for people like you to critize from your recliners.

  5. That's a full blown, all out search of the vehicle, just waiting to happen.
    Over and over and over.
    As it should be......

  6. The photo should have included the tag.
    I'm sure it would have gone viral.

  7. The Constitution guarantees everyone a right to Freedom of Speech. You don't have to like the sentiment, but you should defend a person's right to say it.

  8. I would pray that the driver would not consent to a search of the vehicle only to find out how many "hits" the K9 would pick up on all over his car.

    Just my two cents, I could be wrong.

  9. If i see this car it will be bricked.

  10. Brick in window.

  11. I consider myself a tax-paying and law-abiding citizen, but I would put a brick through that window in a heartbeat.

  12. 11:15am - I believe in free speech and this a**hole has every right to put this crap on the window. BUT - then they have to deal with the consequences. I would not throw the brick, but I would certainly enjoy watching it be thrown. AND - yes the tag number should have been in the picture.

  13. Let's hope he never needs assistance on the road, never has to call 911--fools emerge all the time.

  14. Nice it's a white car, just saying.

  15. Bricks really? Just as bad as that bunch! Freedom of Speech!

  16. if I put 'only white lives matter" on my back window would my freedoms be preserved

  17. No, if you put "only white lives matter" on the back window of your car you would be drug out of your car and beaten within an inch of your life by a group of black thugs and we wouldn't hear about it in the media.

    1. These Obama thugs times are running out that's why they are going nuts.


  18. Not quoting any law, just my opinion. A little tint is against the law, but obstruction of view with this "Yuge" crap is allowed?


  19. 2 by 4 through the back windshield, end of story. I'll take he rap.

  20. That's about all they have,which is a good thing.When a single statement is ALL any given group has to make their point with,let em go.As long as they've occupied themselves with BLM they are like children who can occupy themselves with a toy for hours.

  21. People are tired of Obama's pitting blacks against whites, women against men, gays against heterosexuals, rich against poor, non-taxpayers against taxpayers, citizens against cops and his Muslims against Christians.

  22. I think I see a tail light out!!


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