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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Romney to Make 'Major Speech' on 2016 Presidential Race

Mitt Romney will make a "major speech" on the 2016 White House race on Thursday, Fox News reported on Wednesday.

The speech is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. EST.



  1. Romney should be ashamed. We voted for Romney in the last election and we are ashamed. Keep your mouth shut Romney and let the people decide who to vote for. You had your chance and were beaten.

  2. Romney should just stay at the country club and shut up!

  3. Ditto 5:19 I am sorry I contributed and voted for Romney. Like Bush, stay silent for years and surface to do ill will. Can't wait to get away from RNC and go Independent.

  4. Does he really think he has any influence? No body gives a crap what he thinks since the day after the election. Go away loser.


  5. Voted for him on basis of business expertise and being an authentic person. He badly fumbled his opportunity. Not interested in a replay or his thoughts now. Give wife, kids, grandkids full attention and spare us your advice.

  6. He's throwing his hatt into the ring.... The establishment can't stomach Trump, and they know Cruz and Rubio aren't going to be strong enough.

  7. Tell this retard to GFH and shut up, he was not wanted in the last election, the voters showed that, so who wants to hear from this creep now?

  8. This will just encourage more people to support Trump. These politicians just can't grasp the fact that Americans are finally pissed off. The PC crap is over.

  9. Let's see, 11:30 am is when I feed the goats. Sorry, Mittens, I just can't make it to a tee vee just then!

  10. GOP is dying
    Independent is definitely the way to go.
    The GOP is self destructing with its attitude towards not only Trump but the desire of the voters.
    Sad day in America
    Independent Trump ticket may be the way to go .


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