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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Iran withholds travel visas from GOP congressmen

Iranian officials withheld travel visas from three House Republicans who wished to observe the regime's elections over the weekend.

"It's unfortunate that Iran has not yet granted our request for visas to observe Iran's election and for other productive purposes," Rep. Frank LoBiondo, chairman of the House subcommittee on the CIA, said on Monday.

The New Jersey Republican and two other lawmakers applied for visas in early February, and told the Iranian government they wanted to observe the country's elections, meet with Americans detained in the country, and inquire about implementation of the recent nuclear deal that Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated. But the election, which took place Saturday, came and went without the visas being granted.

"The American people and rest of the free world still deserve first hand confirmation of what present day reality is in Iran," Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., said Monday. "I look forward to Iran showing that it is a partner in peace by issuing our visas so that we can meet with Iranian leadership, visit nuclear sites, and meet with American hostages."

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