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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Poll: Marylanders Approve Of Gov. Hogan; Senate Race Is Dead Heat

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Another good grade for Governor Larry Hogan from Maryland voters. A new poll shows 70% of Marylanders think he’s doing a good job but he’s not getting his way with the Democrat-led GeneralAssembly.

Political reporter Pat Warren reports there’s trouble ahead.

The voters may love him but there’s static in the State House.

In typical fashion, the session starts with the Republican governor and Democrat leadership vowing to get along—and in typical fashion, more than halfway through the session they’re butting heads.

“They’re calling me names downstairs; there’s a lot of partisanship going on downstairs, a lot of fingerpointing. I don’t let it bother me. We’re focused on trying to get things done,” Hogan said.

A newly-released Gonzalez poll gives Hogan a 70% approval rating. That’s up three points from January.


1 comment:

  1. Come guys lets vote the liberal trash out of house and senate and help Larry repair what Governor O'Dumbass did to this State


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