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Monday, March 14, 2016

Moveon.Org Warns More Disruptions to Come

Moveon.Org is conducting fundraising activities from the Chicago protests against Donald Trump that prompted the Republican presidential front-runner to cancel a rally there Friday, and promises that more disruptions are on the way.

“Last night, without consulting local police, Donald Trump abruptly cancelled a rally in Chicago in the face of massive and overwhelmingly peaceful student-led protests,” MoveOn.org wrote in an email Saturday to members. “We’re being flooded with aggressive emails and social media posts from Trump supporters. Some of them are threatening. We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else.”

The email asked members to donate $3 to help the effort. The progressive group is funded by billionaire George Soros, and has endorsed Democratic candidate Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders for president.

“We need to double down on our work, showing that America is better than Trump’s bullying, hate-baiting, and incitements to violence,” the email read. “We are committed to nonviolence, but we will not be silent. We will not be invisible.”

The group detailed its efforts in recent months, highlighting ads it has run against the real estate mogul and the advocacy its done on behalf of refugees, who it said are “under attack” from the GOP, and the support it gave to Trump protesters in Chicago.

“We’ve been ramping up our efforts for months..."



  1. These are Sanders supporters, and if that's who you want to run our Country, well just go ahead and vote for the rioters. You will reap what you sow.

    If you vote for Trump, you will be voting to be above this mess.

    Your choice, it's not for me to tell you what to decide.

  2. A THUG is a THUG.

  3. Disruption of the political process is against election laws of the US. Then there is the laws of "Domestic Terrorism". Just try and do this crap at a Hitler-y rally and see how fast you go to jail !

  4. Every day I wait for the arrival civil unrest or war. It's a commin folks , don't know when , but it is close now. We won't take crap anymore , from anyone including all minorities , politicians and especially Obama.

  5. Obama administration trying to pass all kinds of laws taxing us working citizens more before they leave and Hillary will continue the madness.

  6. Be careful what you wish for.
    Thats what Obama wants so he can declare Marshall law and stop the elections.

  7. Can someone tell that DA Juan Williams to stop telling people that moveon.org is not involved. That man is an idiot!!


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