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Monday, March 14, 2016

Calls Grow in Caribbean Nation for Gay U.S. Ambassador's Removal

(CNSNews.com) – A little over two years after Obama campaign bundler and LGBT advocate James “Wally” Brewster arrived in the Dominican Republic, accompanied by his spouse, Bob Satawake, to assume his duties as U.S. ambassador, calls are growing in the conservative country for his recall.

Church leaders, politicians and education officials in the Caribbean island nation are clamoring for his removal, and a petition was lodged with the White House this week accusing him of promoting an “LGBT agenda inconsistent with the Christian cultural values and tradition of the Dominican Republic.”

Brewster was not the first openly gay man appointed as a U.S. ambassador – President Obama nominated no fewer than five in 2013 alone. But while others were accredited to Western countries with liberal views on homosexuality he was named envoy to a developing nation, 95 percent of whose 10 million people are Roman Catholic.

Brewster, who according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politicsbundled at least $500,000 for Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign, is a former National LGBT co-chair for the Democratic National Committee.

Even before he was confirmed, a Catholic bishop on the island said the move demonstrated “a lack of sensitivity, of respect by the United States.”



  1. No, please do NOT recall him and his "wife". Rather have them out of the country instead of in this country. Got plenty more to move down there if you want them.

  2. Replace him, and then terminate him. I want no one like him representing me or my Country.


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