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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is Trump the Man for Small Businesses?

According to a survey from the National Federation of Independent

Business, U.S. small business confidence fell in February. Suzy Welch, author of “The Real Life MBA” suggests there are multiple reasons for the decrease.

“What small business people are expressing with this lack of confidence is that they’re uncertain,” Welch told FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto. “They’re uncertain about the election, they’re uncertain about regulation, they’re uncertain about the minimum wage going up and they’re uncertain about what’s happening in China… so they’re in this environment where it feels again suddenly like there’s zero visibility.”

Welch shared her thoughts on how some small businesses feel about GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.



  1. The democrat and republican establishment fighting to stay in you pocket keep taxing the working man into the poorhouse,hope Trump wins.

  2. Maybe, unless you get in his way.

  3. Why do we get to work and pay taxes but people can have free housing, food, phones and free education. I feel like an idiot working everyday. My healthcare is expensive and its a horrible plan, but if i wanted to feast off the system id have free dental eye and health benefits. Makes absolutly no sense at all. Why doesnt the whole country of working people just go on strike and make our demands, negotiate for ourselves instead of letting so called "elected officials" make horrible decisions that do not benefit the majority of us who work full time at a job not offering health coverage and barely enough to just get by. Making it but not making it.


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