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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hillary Flunks Economics Exam

With the Democrat presidential nomination all but assured, is Hillary Clinton trying out her standup comedy chops?

Or is she just stunningly ignorant of basic economics?

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton claimed Tuesday there is “no evidence” to prove raising the minimum wage costs jobs.

“I also want to raise the minimum wage, and I support the effort here in Washington state to do that,” Clinton said at a rally in Everett, Washington. “There is no evidence that the minimum wage being increased costs jobs, so I’m supporting what you’re trying to do here, and I want to raise it across the country.”

Clinton favors a $12 per hour minimum wage, 20 percent less than the $15 an hour desired by socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.). Clinton herself acknowledged last year she was hesitant to support a $15 minimum wage “because there are different economic environments. And what you can do in L.A. or in New York may not work in other places.”
Despite her vocal support of a mandatory $12 minimum wage for all employers, her own campaign relies on unpaid labor from volunteers and does not require a minimum $12 hourly wage for vendors

Source: AAN

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