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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Cartels Cut Hole in Unmanned Border Fence, Drove Through

(CNSNews.com) – National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told a House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee Wednesday that cartels cut a hole in a 10-mile stretch of border that had been unmanned for two days and drove two vehicles through it.

“One key way to determine whether the cartels are winning is to analyze key data of entries to arrests,” Judd said.

“Of those 157, 74 were arrested, 54 were known to have evaded arrest and furthered their entry into the United States, 17 were able to evade arrest and make it back to Mexico, and 12 were still outstanding and unaccounted for. That’s a 47 percent arrest rate. That’s not very good, but it’s not the Border Patrol agents’ fault. We’re just simply overmanned,” Judd said.

“Yesterday, I received an email from an agent in Arizona, and that email said that there was a 10-mile stretch for two days – and this is documented on the reports from the Border Patrol management - 10 mile stretch of border that was unmanned for two days,” Judd said. “Criminal cartels were able to go to the fence, cut a hole in the fence, drive two vehicles through that hole and escape.”



  1. Unmanned? Was somebody out sick or on vacation?

  2. It must have been the smart fence the libs always brag about !

  3. I hope the Trump wall will soon be built on the Mexico border.

  4. Time for the military to lock and load. Won't happen on the Muslim watch.


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