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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes?

You might have been seeing an increase in High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) enforcement on Route 50 while you travel to and from Washington, DC or surrounding areas. The Maryland State Police College Park Barrack is responsible for this stretch of highway. The Troopers assigned to the College Park Barrack have issued over 350 citations and warnings this year to HOV violators. 

We have investigated several traffic collisions in the HOV lanes involving motorist who were not authorized to travel in the HOV lanes. With your help, we can reduce fatal accidents, serious injuries to motorist and continue the flow of traffic on our roadways by following the HOV rules;

The HOV lane on Route 50 is enforced 24 hours and 365 days a year.

The HOV lanes are HOV 2+, meaning two or more people must occupy the vehicle.

An occupant is any person who occupies one seat in the vehicle (i.e. Pregnant mothers count as one occupant, and an infant in an infant seat counts as one occupant). Pets and mannequins are not considered occupants.

Buses are allowed to travel in the HOV lane regardless of occupants.

Motorcycles are allowed to travel in the HOV lane regardless of occupants.

Plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) are also eligible. However, a permit obtained from the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) is required for these vehicles to drive in the HOV lanes without the requisite number of occupants. Please get your valid permit and display it so you’re following the rules.

The HOV lanes were designed as concurrent flow, meaning they are not physically separated from the general use lanes.

A violation of the HOV lane carries a $90 fine and one point against a driver’s license for first time offenders and for each subsequent offense. Additionally, if the driver’s violation of the HOV designation leads to a crash, the driver will be subject to three points.

By following these rules you can make a difference and save a life. 


  1. I don't understand. If plug in vehicles can travel in these lanes because they are "green" and energy efficient, why can't I ride my horse in the HOV lane?

  2. 24/7 for that hov lane in PG county is total bs. Every other state limits it to rush hour. just another revenue stream!

  3. 1053, you are using logic again to make the world a sensible place.

    Shame on you!


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