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Wednesday, March 02, 2016


This is probably the BEST written comments regarding minimum wage that I have come across.
Kudos to the originator of this excellent piece. It's spot on!


Low military pay was not mentioned in The State Of The Union speech. Just increasing the minimum wage was ..Hamburgers or Minimum Wage For those fast food employees striking for $15 an hour; let's do some math. At $15 an hour Johnny Fry-Boy would make $31,200 annually. An E1 (Private) in the military makes $18,378. An E5 (Sergeant) with 8 years of service only makes $35,067 annually. So you're telling me, LaTisha McBurgerflipper, that you deserve as much as those kids getting shot at, deploying for months in hostile environments, and putting their collective asses on the line every day protecting you.

Here's the deal, Baconator, you are working in a job designed for a kid in high school who is learning how to work and earning enough for gas, and hanging out with their equally goofy high school pals. If you have chosen this as your life long profession, you have failed. If you don't want minimum wage, don't have minimum skills.


  1. "LaTisha"? I'm offended. This story is profiling!

  2. Another rehash of this same ol bogus argument. Military compensation is much higher. And look around; that Mickey D's job isn't the same ol teen employer any more. "Service jobs" have been slammed down our throat for decades now.

  3. This story is spot on !

  4. Amen! This minimum wage hike is ridiculous!

  5. Where is the Seniors pay raise?


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