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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dem Plot to Register Illegals To Stop Trump

Speaking at a Hillary Clinton campaign event in Chicago on Monday, Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez called for 1 million immigrants to obtain citizenship ahead of the election in November in order to stop GOP front-runner Donald Trump from winning the White House.

“We are going to make sure there are 1 million new immigrant citizens before November of 2016,” Gutierrez said while introducing Clinton at an event hosted by The Resurrection Project, a community organizer that provides “navigators” to helps immigrants obtain citizenship.

Navigators’ goal “is to help the 8.8 million residents legally here in this country become citizens of the United States of America,” Gutierrez said, flipping between English and Spanish.

Source: Daily Caller


  1. Secretaries of State are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the voter rolls.

    Soros had a project to place sympathetic people in those positions.

    About the only defense there is against voter fraud at this point is the "True The Vote" project. I hope they continue their good work.


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