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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Armed Employee Confronts ‘Active Shooter,’ Stops Him ‘in His Tracks’

On March 9, an employee at a Florida business ran out to his car, grabbed his gun, then re-entered the business and confronted an alleged “active shooter,” stopping him “in his tracks.”

The incident occurred at B&L Landscaping in Jacksonville, where police say the alleged “active shooter” is “not a US citizen.”

According to CBS 47, 24-year-old Ezequiel Lopez allegedly opened fire on 55-year-old Andrew Little because he thought “Little disrespected him.” Police indicate that Lopez told them he allegedly planned the shooting because he felt Little “treated him differently that other employees.”

B&L employee Joshua Curry ran to his car to retrieve his own gun after hearing shouts of “active shooter.” He then ran back inside and confronted Lopez.

WOKV reports that witnesses say Curry “stopped the shooter in his tracks.”



  1. Well they voted against campus-carry, so just add that to the list of kill zones not protected by CCW holders.

  2. In Maryland, you would be facing felony charges for that.

  3. 12:45, Sad but true. Gotta love Liberals!


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