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Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Viewer Writes: WHY?

My son recently asked me WHY. I never thought about WHY, just that it was something that I need to do.

When I see the Stars and Stripes flying at the Civic Center, Legion, VFW,Elks or someone's front porch, I feel the need to render honors with a hand salute.

A salute to OUR Flag, OUR Country, OUR VETS and OUR neighbors that take the time and make the effort to fly OUR Flag.

Join me??



  1. I get ridiculed be my wife for doing this and point them out to her all the time which upsets her since she used to say this is just another country. I have served my country in many remote locations from Kuwait to Kosovo to Iraq to Afghanistan and finished my career in Africa. I did have a few nice breaks in Japan, Guam, and Korea in between, so I am extra excited seeing seeing our flags here at home. What really bothers me is seeing her lick her finger and marking the windshield everytime we pass a graveyard, yet my patriotism is the funny one. Go figure.

  2. My husband is thanked just about every time we are in public. You see, he proudly wears a cap indicating he is a Vietnam Vet. He does not talk about that time in his life as these men and women did not receive the welcome home that they should have due to the political views at that time. Our men and women, and their families sacrificed much for our freedoms; some gave the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. Anyone that does not appreciate these sacrifices needs to find another place to live. Maybe after some time in another country they would appreciate our UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


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