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Friday, February 05, 2016

Your Voice is Making a Difference!

Joe -
Your efforts have stalled the partisan insiders in the State Senate!

Over the past week, many of you have sent e-mails or called your State Senator and let them know that you didn't want murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and other current felons voting until they have completely repaid their debt to society.

With such a tremendous response, they have to listen.

Now more than ever, we need you to keep the pressure on your State Senator and make sure your voice is heard.

If we relax now, they will surely grant CURRENT FELONS voting privileges and ignore an overwhelming majority of Marylanders.

Contact your State Senator and tell them that you stand with Governor Hogan and his common-sense veto requiring current felons to completely repay their debt to society before they can vote!


1 comment:

  1. so what is the big deal with felons voting, or anything else, other than punitive punishment.


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