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Friday, February 05, 2016

2.5 Million Gun Background Checks in January Set Record for 9th Month in Row

More than 2.5 million gun background checks were performed in January, a record for the month, according to FBI statistics.

The number was lower than the 3.3 million all-time record set in December, but the most for the month of January in any year since the checks began in late 1998.

The number also represented a monthly record for the ninth month in a row and the third month in a row with more than 2 million checks.

The FBI notes that the figures from month-to-month are not hard data on the number of guns sold since states differ in their laws. In some instances, one background check can cover the purchase of more than one gun, and some sheriff's require background checks to obtain a concealed carry permit even if a gun is not being purchased at the time.



  1. The more the Government tries to limit gun purchases the more guns are sold. DOESN'T THAT TELL YOU SOMETHING !!!

  2. We are Strong and will not be overtaken by this Evil Government.
    I will surrender my Guns Ammo First.

  3. Better get ammo too..the next American Revolution is coming soon.

  4. People getting ready for the Obamanation of America.

  5. God bless America.


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