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Thursday, February 04, 2016

"We Have Even More Embarrassing Footage of Your Captured Sailors"

(CNSNews.com) – The head of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy said Monday that if the U.S. seeks to humiliate Iran, the IRGC would release footage of ten U.S. sailors detained last month that is much more embarrassing than images released earlier.

Addressing Iranian lawmakers a day after being awarded a medal by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for the Jan. 12-13 incident in the Persian Gulf, Sardar Fadavi also said his personnel had obtained information from the U.S. sailors’ laptops and phones.

“We have extracted extensive information from their laptops and cell phones,” the state-owned Tasnim news agency quoted him as saying, adding that the material could be made public.

A U.S. Navy investigation is underway. Earlier, U.S. Central Command said that when Iran released the sailors and boats, “all weapons, ammunition and communication gear are accounted for minus two SIM cards that appear to have been removed from two handheld satellite phones.”

In his address in parliament, Fadavi also warned that the IRGC had much more footage of the incident than the material it released earlier – which showed the sailors kneeling on the deck at gunpoint, later relaxing and eating, and one of them apologizing for unintentionally entering Iranian waters.



  1. Nothing will EVER be more embarrassing to this country than the kenyan that the muslim brotherhood and liberal idiots put in the White House.

  2. 12:12 About the only worse thing that could happen would be if the morons vote to put Hillary or Sanders in the White House. I'll say it again. We need Democrats to cross the isle this time and help get us back to the Country we were.

  3. The Middle East needs to be evaporated.

  4. We are not embarrassed by these sailors.

  5. colonel sanders will make a great president, plus he will send us all a nice check to not work if we promise to vote demos


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