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Thursday, February 04, 2016

This is how Mexican drug cartels make billions selling drugs

Mexican drug cartels are making billions of dollars by flooding America with cocaine and other drugs. Ioan Grillo, author of "Gangster Warlords," breaks down what drug traffickers invest and the kind of profits they make.

GO HERE to view.

1 comment:

  1. I don't touch the hard stuff, but American Marijuana is way better than Mexican. The cartels are smuggling pot from Denver back across the boarder because their rich clients don't want nasty Mexican weed.

    So what have we done in the war on drugs?:
    *Make every non-corporate owned drug illegal
    *Throw sellers and users into prison
    *Form a black market which increases crime and violence
    *Use the violence to call for stricter laws
    *Throw more people in jail
    *Ruin non-violent offenders chances with a criminal record
    *Put them on subsidies because no one will hire them
    *Give them free housing because apartments won't approve a criminal background
    *Trample the fourth amendment

    I could go on and on but after all that we have about 140 drug overdoses each day in this country. The people in power know this and they continue to waste your money and crumble societal order with these stupid laws. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference if crack or heroin or PCP is illegal or not. If it was legal would you do them? Neither would I and neither would anyone else. If you are stupid enough to smoke crack you will do it whether it is legal or not.


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