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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Trump to Syrian Refugee Kids: 'You Can't Come Here'

Donald Trump says he'd be able to reject Syrian children fleeing to the United States as refugees, and be able to "look in their faces and say you can't come here."

At a campaign event in Salem, N.H., on the eve of the first-in-the nation primary, the GOP presidential front-runner – who has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States over vetting concerns – was told about a group of Syrian children expected to relocate and attend school in Connecticut, and then asked if he could personally reject them.



  1. America first. The way it should be.

  2. They carry guns also.

  3. That's exactly right! It's either look the Syrian kid in the eye and tell him we don't have the resources available to help him or look an American kid in the eye and tell him we no longer have the resources to help him because we used them to help a Syrian refugee.

  4. these are the kids being taught to behead Christians. please do not say it is about the children

  5. This country is in such a shambles. This thanks to how pathetic and weak people have become. They have sunk so low into the gutter that they allow a 2 bit lying ghetto hustler like obama to shame them into feeling sorry for everyone like these Syrians.

  6. Another American Pravda drooling...

    The fact is, a lot of the Syrian "refugees" (quotes for sarcastic emphasis) are young men, not women and children. It has been all over the new outlets that ISIS has infiltrated this group and has dispersed its conspirators throughout Europe. Is this what we want here?

    I say, with all the raping and pillaging they're perpetrating on European countries, they seem of able body to go fight their own Civil War and quit seeking refuge from other countries.

    Trump sees this and in order to vilify him, the MSM is spreading their venom using the refugees as some sort of pop heroism. Don't be fooled by our propaganda machine - it's foolish and irrelevant garbage.

    PS: Don't recall Americans seeking refuge during OUR Civil War - so why should we open ourselves up for more violence by taking in men from another? Vietnam, Korea and Iraq should have taught us to stay out of other countries' business and that includes their internal wars.


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