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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Most Dangerous Schools In America


  1. That kid is holding a plastic prop AK-47, there is no ejection port on the weapon.

  2. This is a AK-47 , these weapons were made in several different countries . The one shown is a real 47 which has the ejection port on the other side. The slot showing a false port is common even when they are put on either side. Many European countries including China manufacture this weapon because of it reputation as being reliable and accurate. Nice try 9:15

  3. 6:28,info is wrong on two counts,never seen a AK for a lefty,ie.left side eject,reliable,hypothetically yes,more so than others,accurate,most run of the mill AK's can hit what your aiming at,but compared to most others,not so much,accuracy falls off because of the loose tolerances the rifle is built on to be reliable...

  4. Minor in possession of a full auto weapon is against the law in Maryland. Speaking of that, whatever happened to the investigation into those kids that posted the Youtube video with all the real handguns. They were local kids and the guns were real.

  5. Regardless of the accuracy of the weapon dispute the point is violence is involving to many young people. Senseless threats and violence every day, seems like every day a bomb threat in schools, mass shootings. In my day kids who had disputes got in fist fights the worse that would happen would be bruises,


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