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Monday, February 22, 2016


Trump said black unemployment has gone up under Obama’s watch

“People don’t know I’m a unifier,” Trump, the GOP front-runner, said at a rally in Myrtle Beach, S.C. “You know, Barack Obama, African-American. If I were African-American, I would be so angry at him.”

Trump said black unemployment has gone up under Obama’s watch.

“African-American youth has an almost 60 percent unemployment rate,” he said. “African-American people that are 25, prime-time age, 25 to 40, have such a high unemployment rate, you wouldn’t believe it. It’s gone up and it’s gotten worse since he’s been president.”

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  1. how about if you are human? i'm human and am disappointed with Obama's performance in the oval office, but what could he do differently? I read more than my share of critical posts about this lame duck in office, but nary of these articles state what or how he could do better. Venting is great, but realistically, it solves nothing. If you know how to do better or what can be done better, then please run for office. I think we're all ready for a change if you have the answers.

  2. 1:31 Here's an answer; we need someone that will stand up to the Muslims and communists that are destroying this country. We need someone that is not afraid of the Democrat/commie controlled media. We need someone that is not controlled by international banks/NWO. As for an agenda it would be to reverse the Muslim, communist, pro abortion, pro homo agenda to "fundamentally transform America. Next get out of foiegn wars we have no business fighting especially Muslim against Muslim. We ARE NOT a Muslim nation, especially one allied with the Muslim brotherhood like the traitor. Next support out traditional true allies around the world that agree with OUR interests. Next stop exporting jobs to China, Mexico and India. Impose a tariff on Chinese crap coming into this country until they start buying some of our exports without penalty tariffs that exist on them now. There's a few ideas, I have more. So far one candidate seems to be in agreemnet with me.

  3. Thank you, 3:19 PM.

  4. There are no African-Americans. Only Americans. Figure it out.

  5. my ancestors are from Germany, am I supposed to tell everyone that I am german American, or since me and my parents were born here am I allowed to just say we are americans. I don't want to offend any democrats (African americans) I know there r a lot of very sensitive people out there

  6. It's going to take a multi billionaire to fix the White House.

  7. None of these comments explain how Obama could lower black unemployment. This is just see I told you so as it relates to a black president. Why should Obama have anymore answers than anybody else. You note answer boy Trump did not tell how he would make things better for black employment. My guess is he will not be able to do any better than any other president we have ever had.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 23, 2016 at 12:00 AM

      Well Suzie, I'm not the one who ran on HOPE AND CHANGE. The only thing Barrack didn't lie about was the CHANGE. He forgot to tell us, it was the CHANGE FOR WORSE.

  8. I was born here in the US. I am an American. I have served my country via active duty in the USAF. I am now retired. I don't make enough money to equal the amount of handouts given to most democrats. I somehow don't qualify. Even though I feel that I have earned it after my years of dedicated public service, I still work. It took a while to find a job being told I'm overqualified for everything. I manage to pay my taxes and still donate to charity. Why should I have to pay for all of these democrats? I'm voting Trump!

  9. 628, If jobs were here instead of Mexico and China, whaaaaat don't you understand???????

    You are thick as a brick up there, Suzie!

  10. Unfortunately 6:28, most of the black unemployment is from unskilled and no skilled laborers. When illegal immigration runs rampant it is the illegals who end up with those jobs. If you have any doubts just talk to someone who has been at a poultry processing plant for 50 years or so. Those laborers used to be primarily black and frequently women. Now they are Hispanic, mostly male with some Haitians mixed in. Many of the Haitians are here on work visas and a lot of the Hispanics are illegal, just ask them!


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