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Monday, February 22, 2016

Levin: 'Time for All Conservatives to Come Home Now and Do the Right Thing'

(CNSNews.com) - Mark Levin, a staunch defender of conservatism and the Constitution, told South Carolinians Thursday night that the next election is "a choice between liberty and tyranny."

"It's time for all conservatives to come home now and do the right thing. And if you're a conservative, you know what the right thing is. And you know what I mean."

Levin, speaking at a conservative convention, said the outcome of the election cannot be left to "commentators on TV."

"We're here today to make it crystal clear...that we are proud, true, unapologetic conservatives. We are not going to take a backseat to anyone, any group, or any political party.

"From this place forward, we will demonstrate the will, the strength, and the wisdom of our movement. And we declare here and now that it will be our solemn mission to wrench this great Republic from the iron grip of the statists in both parties and their surrogates...in the federal courts and in the federal bureaucracy.

"We are not anarchists. We are Constitutionalists. We do not seek to fundamentally transform our country. We seek to take our country back from those who fundamentally screwed it up."

Read more here


  1. I would have probably voted for Cruz until the international banking and CFR connections were brought to light. Trump is not owned by anyone. And he is the only one to openly kick politically correct butt (stop the Muslim and illegal Mexican migration for example) . Sorry he is not strictly conservative but this country is dying, we won't win a general election majority with Cruz, we can with Trump regardless of the MSM lies. Fed up moderates, and Democrats that actually work for living will vote for Trump, as well as legal Hispanics and African Americans that want the country to turn around morally and economically.

  2. Maark Levin is one of the smartest people alive today. I hope our new POTUS places him in a position of honor in DC.


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