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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tax Fairness Question at GOP Debate Rooted in Falsehood Spread by Media

During Saturday night’s debate in New Hampshire for the Republican presidential nomination, ABC news anchor David Muir pointedly asked the candidates if they stood opposed to the two-thirds of Americans who want to raise taxes on the wealthy.

First, Muir grilled Marco Rubio by stating, “A recent poll [found that] 68% of Americans favor raising taxes on people making more than a million a year. Are they wrong?”

After Rubio answered, Muir turned to Jeb Bush and challenged him: “I just want to repeat that number to you: 68% of Americans favor raising taxes on people making more than a million. What would you say to people who believe that?”

After Bush was done, Chris Christie chimed in and bluntly stated, “Everyone in the public who is in that 68%, I want to tell you the truth: You’re wrong, and here’s why you’re wrong.”


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