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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

GOP Report: Illegal Immigrants Awarded Obamacare Subsidies

A report conducted by Senate Republicans estimates the Obama administration gave about $750 million in Obamacare health insurance subsidies to illegal immigrants who aren't eligible for them.

The report, released Monday by the Senate Homeland Security Committee, also says that while the IRS has implemented a plan to take back the government assistance, the plan is "ineffective and insufficient."

Illegal immigrants aren't eligible for health insurance subsidies provided to low-income Americans through President Obama's healthcare law. But some still succeeded in collecting the government assistance, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which announced in June that it had ended coverage for about 423,000 consumers who had failed to produce "sufficient documentation on their citizenship or immigration status."



  1. This is some same garbage as giving people that have NEVER worked a day in the United States Social Security benefits. If you don't work, you don't get the benefits!! This is not hard to process.

  2. "And you will save $2500.00 a year with Obamacare. Period."

  3. Wow. I did not see that coming. Would not have voted for Obama in 2008 and 12 if I know that. That is what a lot of voters should be saying right now if they had a conscience.

  4. Not surprising. Can't believe anyone would be shocked and amazed by this. Obama has made it clear through his actions, he favors illegal aliens over American citizens. He hasn't mince any words either. The people who voted for him should be ashamed at his fundamental and physical changes in this country since his reign began. The best way for citizens to be treated better is to defect to another country and come back as illegal aliens.


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