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Monday, February 29, 2016

Shadowy SEAL Team 6 Member Comes Forward Monday To Receive Medal Of Honor

SEAL Team 6 member Edward C. Byers Jr. is set to emerge from anonymity to accept the Medal of Honor Monday.

Byers, now a senior chief petty officer, will receive the award for participating in a hostage rescue mission deep in the heart of Afghanistan, Dan Lamothe from The Washington Post reports. In 2012, after hiking with his unit for four hours to a remote location in eastern Afghanistan, Byers burst in a Taliban stronghold and threw himself on top of American hostage Dr. Dilip Joseph to protect him from the gunfire, as other SEAL Team members from his unit took out Taliban fighters standing guard.

While still protecting Dr. Joseph, Byers grabbed a Taliban fighter by the throat and held him up against the wall. The other SEALs riddled the fighter with bullets.

Byers was the second person in the room. The first SEAL, Nicholas D. Checque, was shot in the head and killed instantly upon entry.

“I’ve lived my entire career a very private life,” Byers said, according to The Washington Post. “We don’t talk about what we do, and this honor carries with it some obligations that I need to carry out. You know, you follow those through. But, I plan to continue doing my job as normal and to continue being a SEAL. It’s something I love and grew up wanting to be.”

More here


  1. I simply do not believe the story.

    This event was the third time Osama had been killed. With the quick tossing of the body overboard so as to not allow for any identification, I believe the public was duped.

    This poor guy is now expected to "hold up the story".

    How pathetic.

    Our government lies about absolutely everything.

    1. What? This article is about a hostage rescue mission, in Afghanistan. Where does it mentioned the bin Laden raid in Pakistan?

  2. 203 your a terrorist. Just my opionin.

  3. "Our government lies about absolutely everything."

    Let's just say that again, 2:03pm, it needs be repeated so those that don't know will.

  4. 2:52 YOU ARE ignorant, just my OPINION for more reasons than one.

  5. 2:52
    A terrorist tries to make other people afraid.

    Got it?

    Do you speaky Engy?

  6. This guy needs to stay "shadowy", does he know what happened to the rest of the team?

  7. Don't be haters because you sit on your mother's couch drinking soda and letting her cut your meat at dinner. Have any of you seen Osmama on any broadcast. The fact that he may be held somewhere hopefully being tortured daily does not bother me in the least. The fact is he is no longer a threat to the free world. Trust me if he were still free to spred his poison we would have seen him. So take you cowardly b.s. 2:03 and spread it elsewhere. Having served this great nation I can tell you freedom is never free. Joe's own son is a Marine and your cowrdly rhetoric takes away from that kids patriotic duty.

    Sadly people like you are part of the American fabric. The lack of patriotism and loss of God in our country breeds little turds like yourself.

    Keep on fighting men and women of our armed services. Each and every one of you are true Americans in my book.

    God Bless and stay safe.


  8. Freedom by definition is free.

  9. Modi,
    Thank you for your heartfelt comments.
    Unfortunately many of us disagree with you almost entirely.

    Our government was hijacked when a secret group of powerful people were able to murder a sitting POTUS and get away with it (1963). It has been downhill since then.

  10. It appears that only a couple of the commenters read the story.

  11. 421 you just proved my point. Smh.

  12. 553 then leave the country! Who is asking you to stay? Not me!


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