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Monday, February 29, 2016

Did Christie Just Spark 'Draft Romney' Movement?

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's endorsement of Donald Trump, which can only be described as stunning and shocking to the political world, will cause panic and chaos throughout the GOP establishment.

Here are some of the immediate results of the Christie move.

First, Christie's endorsement of Trump for president is devastating to the GOP establishment which was in virtual panic about the rise of Trump before Christie endorsed him and is now in a state of total panic behind the scenes.

Second, Christie's endorsement of Trump is a devastating blow to the conservative establishment, which views Trump as neither a legitimate Republican or a legitimate conservative (as I wrote in my most recent column for The Hill). The Christie move creates intense pressure on Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), the conservative movement favorite whose candidacy would be devastated if Trump defeats him in his home state of Texas — which is more likely today than yesterday. The Cruz candidacy was already showing signs of fading before Sen. Marco Rubio's (Fla.) strong performance in the last debate and Christie's endorsement of Trump.

Third, Christie's endorsement of Trump will put intense pressure on Rubio, who performed brilliantly in the last debate and appeared poised to make a serious run against Trump. Rubio has escalated his attack against Trump today, while Christie coupled his support for Trump with an attack-dog barrage against Rubio, whom Christie obviously holds in contempt.

Fourth, Christie's endorsement of Trump is like a gift from God to Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), and the Democratic Party. Most polls have shown both Clinton and Sanders defeating Trump — in some polls by landslide margins — so while the Republican establishment is now in fear of the peril of a Trump nomination, the Democratic establishment and the Democratic base are thrilled beyond description that a Trump nomination could lead to a Democratic landslide for the presidency and races for Congress.

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  1. I do not believe for a minute that either Democrat will beat Trump. The MSM is lying. They just can't grasp the fact that Americans are fed up with both parties who are sucking the life out of our Country.

  2. 1:12 a lot of the Sanders' vote is not because the voter likes Sanders it's that they detest Clinton. It's an anti Clinton vote. I noticed awhile ago the MSM stopped interviewing people who voted in the democrat primaries live because this has been the answer with asked why Sanders. Now they have the voter waiting w/them to go live on TV which is indicative of them questioning the voter pre interview.

  3. if a dem wins im moving to kenya

  4. Word has it that Biden is going to jump in with his dream team running mate, Lady Gaga.


  5. Moonshot Joe can't get anything straight, including his tie.

  6. Some polls have the Dems winning in a landslide? Some polls are useless and stupid products of propaganda imagination. I like the one that said 0 to 10% of Hispanics would vote for Trump. How about 50% in the Nevada primaries (that was for real). LEGAL Hispanics will vote for Trump. Thats why the Demonrats want as many illegal ones and Muslims to fill the Red states as they can get there. As for Christie backing Trump, I like what Trump was heard saying on an open mic right after the Christie endorsement. Trump leaned over to Christie and said "thanks, okay go home now please." I'm somewhat suspicious of the big RINO backing Trump, most likely it's some type of RNC dirty trick.

  7. Romney was such a wimp during his candidacy that he lost royally. What change has he made now that makes him so great?

  8. Trump vs. Romney. What a dilemma! Which rich guy to vote for?

  9. If they resurrect that moron, we're in for a long election. Romney and Ryan proved most disappointing in the last election and the later has been a disaster as Speaker.

  10. Two Things Could Be TrueMarch 1, 2016 at 1:33 PM

    414 polls are run by the very MSM we don't get real news coverage from. Do you think those polls are all that accurate when they forward a socialist and a criminal can beat a successful billionaire? Really? Okay.


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