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Monday, February 22, 2016

Sabato: Rubio Should Offer Kasich VP Spot Now

To have any hope of stopping the Donald Trump train and capturing the nomination himself, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio should publicly offer Ohio Gov. John Kasich the vice presidential slot, says Larry Sabato, head of the University of Virginia's Center for Poltics.

Writing on his Sabato's Crystal Ball website after Saturday's South Carolina primary, Sabato notes that Ronald Reagan made a similar move in 1976 promising to name Pennsylvania Sen. Richard Schweiker as his running mate, "and while it didn’t work out, Reagan shook up conventional wisdom."

If Rubio can get Kasich out of the race following Saturday night's withdrawal by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the majority of both candidates' supporters likely would flow to him, Sabato argues.

That would put him in a three-way contest with Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and could enable him to actually start winning first place in some states.



  1. Trump Carson 2016 unless Bloomberg enters with Bush as his VP.

  2. Won't matter if trump wins. Hillary will win general and we can all get re educated or leave this soon to be waste land.

  3. Think you are wrong 2:29, there are enough people fed up that care more about this country being destroyed than a free handout this time around. I realize it's not a landslide but I think it will be enough.The political winds, they are a changing my friend.

  4. 2:29 besides what the media is telling you, what makes you think that. Hillary cannot fill an outhouse with supporters. she is only winning because of the super delegates and the people forced to lockstep. Nevada turnout was extremely low for the democrats. we need something radical that is not a communist

  5. 1:39 What does that mean? If Bloomberg/Bush enters you will vote for them? If so, you are one mixed up puppy. Hopefully I misinterpreted.

  6. You people just don't get it.


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