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Monday, February 22, 2016

Krauthammer: Bottom 3 Should Drop Out or Trump Wins Nomination

The bottom three finishers in South Carolina's GOP presidential primary should drop out of the race and allow their supporters to coalesce behind Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Fox News pundit Charles Krauthammer said Saturday night.

With businessman Donald Trump taking his second primary win in a row, a winnowing of the field is needed to make for a three-man race, Krauthammer said during Fox post-primary coverage.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and neurosurgeon Ben Carson are the two most likely to take his advice, Krauthammer admitted, while Ohio Gov. John Kasich has indicated he will stay in the race, though Krauthammer doesn't see him having a major effect.

Polls have shown few people naming Trump their second choice, and with Trump carrying about one third of the vote, a split between Cruz and Rubio for the remaining voters would make the race a true contest, Krauthammer said.



  1. Or Trump wins? How about Trump wins regardless? These establishment boys are scared poopless.

  2. Eight months and a few weeks to go. Plenty of time for dropping out.

  3. No, 2:09, actually there won't be much chance after about mid-March. Once The Donald gets enough wins in the early primaries it will be too late.

  4. Trump should be the only one on the ticket. The system is broken and I will vote for the best man who can change that. Trump owes no one anything. No one else can make that claim. I am ready to see Trump negotiate with Mexico and Russia. Time for America to be on the winning side of the table again. Mexico has gotten enough. We should give their illegals as much as they would give ours if the shoe was on the other foot. Look up Mexico and illegal immigration for all you liberals who really have no clue.


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