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Monday, February 29, 2016

Roseanne Barr 'might be moving' to Israel

Roseanne Barr, the famous American comedian and actress, has recently become a leading advocate of Israel, and on Saturday night she revealed she may be moving to the Jewish state.

Speaking before around 200 Jewish supporters at the Conservative synagogue Temple Beth Abraham in Oakland, California, she said, "I'm going there (to Israel) for Purim, and I might be moving there, too," reports Haaretz on Sunday.

"We might all be moving there," she added to the audience. The comments were made during an event sponsored by the pro-Israeli group StandWithUs.

When asked how the American Jewish community should respond to the growing anti-Israel activity on US campuses, Barr said, "the thing that needs to happen is that Jewish donors need to stop supporting universities that allow Nazism on their campuses. I mean these Jewish donors are just sending their kids to be beat up, and it makes no sense at all."

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  1. I doubt Israel will allow this commie in. Unlike what we have here, the people in charge over there still protect the best interests of their country. Maybe iran would be a better fit.

  2. It is a sad moment in Israel's history.

  3. Maybe now she can screw up the national anthem in Yiddish.

  4. Roseanne Barf has no reason to stay in America no one wants her here

  5. do they have enough food there

  6. I bet that makes Hawaii happy.


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