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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Religious Group Threatens To Sue NASA For Censoring 'Jesus'

A legal group focused on religious liberty just threatened National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) with a lawsuit in response to the government agency’s censorship of the word “Jesus” from emails.

In a letter sent Monday, the Liberty Institute stated that NASA lawyers pressured a group of employees at the Johnson Space Center to remove the word “Jesus” from a club announcement. This demand took place in May and June of 2015.

These employees had formed a private group within the agency called the JSC Praise and Worship Club, an entity separate from the agency. As part of the group, employees meet together during lunch to pray, and no one is prevented from taking part in the group’s activities.

In an announcement email, one of the employees had used the word “Jesus.” A few days after the email went out, NASA lawyers clamped down and said the use of the word was absolutely unacceptable and would not accept the group’s offer to issue any kind of disclaimer to downplay its use.



  1. Good for them use the Progressive plan of suing until you get tired of paying lawyer fee's against them.

  2. At least a few people in america still have balls to stand up for their rights...

  3. Christians have no business being associated with this Satanic organization.

  4. Next thing you know, they'll censor Pedro, Manuel, Pablo, Jose', Angel, Juan and Rosalita.

  5. NASA deals in science, not myth.

  6. I think there may be more to this story than what is being presented, but I think that if the group wants to send each other emails then there shouldn't be a problem with it. If, however, it is a blanket invitation to everyone for a prayer group, then it's probably inappropriate.

  7. NASA deals in GLOBAL WARMING myth and Muslim outreach

  8. SUE...SUE...Sue them all...

    give them their own taste of medicine....

    I am sick and tired of the Demonic Left.


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